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MySQL credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:

Agent node users

The Agent node doesn't support tunnels


Create a user account on a MySQL server database.

Supported authentication methods#

  • Database connection

Refer to MySQL's documentation for more information about the service.

Using Database Connection#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • The server Host: The host name or IP address the database is hosted on.
  • The Database name
  • A User name: The user should have appropriate access privileges.
  • A Password for that user
  • The Port number: The port number used by the MySQL server (default is 3306).
  • The Connect Timeout: The number of milliseconds during the initial database connection before a timeout occurs.
  • Whether to use SSL for the connection: if turned on, also enter:
    • The SSL CA Certificate
    • The Client Private Key
    • The Client Certificate
  • Whether to use SSH Tunnel: if turned on, also enter:
    • Select the SSH Authenticate with either Password or Private Key
    • The SSH Host
    • The SSH Port
    • The SSH MySQL Port
    • The SSH User
    • If you selected Password for SSH Authenticate with, add the SSH Password.
    • If you selected Private Key for SSH Authenticate with, add the Private Key and Passphrase.

Refer to MySQL Using Encrypted Connections documentation for more information on SSL and SSH.