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Elasticsearch credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Supported authentication methods#

  • Basic auth

Refer to Elasticsearch's documentation for more information about the service.

Using basic auth#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • A Username: For the user account you log into Elasticsearch with.
  • A Password: For the user account you log into Elasticsearch with.
  • Your Elasticsearch application's Base URL (also known as the Elasticsearch application endpoint):

    1. In Elasticsearch, select the option to Manage this deployment.
    2. In the Applications section, copy the endpoint of the Elasticsearch application.
    3. Add this in n8n as the Base URL.
  • Ignore SSL Issues: When turned on, n8n will connect even if SSL certificate validation fails.

Custom endpoint aliases

If you add a custom endpoint alias to a deployment, update your n8n credential Base URL with the new endpoint.